How to open BITNORDEX account
1. Click 'Sign up' on the header.
2. Fill in the form (email and password) and submit it. For security reasons, make sure to use a unique password that includes capital letters, numbers and special characters in it.
3. Our system will send you confirmation link to your email. Click it to confirm.
4. To trade and make payments you will have to confirm your identity (go to Settings → Identification). We recommend to pass this process by using Chrome browser. If you are using a mobile phone, in some cases you may be asked to download an app to pass the identification process:
- Android app download
- iOS app download
5. After successful identification you are all set. It usually takes up to 15 minutes to get your identity confirmed.
To unlock higher payment volumes (higher than EUR 2,000 daily, and higher than EUR 15,000 monthly), you will have to provide additional information (residency address, source of income). This is a part of our AML (anti-money laundering) procedure.
BITNORDEX uses Google Authenticator as a must have two factor authentication service, so make sure to set it up when you are ready to trade. More info on Google Authenticator can be found here.